Thursday, November 25, 2010

SPM examination

heyyyaa..... ok,this week which is my very important day. SPM week... Anyway, my SPM going great. I feel so confident. and yesterday also,i sit for my english paper. It's easy but may be i answer it right. My Bm okay. And today i sit for my history paper. omg! hard. very very hard. but answer it all... tomorrow i have no paper. will be continued on monday. math! abang jooooo!! help me with math....!! hahaha... okay then good bye.... will be update again soon!

Lot's of love......

qistina syahirah....

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Facebook on school holiday

I just keep connected with my family this 2 weeks school holiday and cikgu Chua gave us a work to do.... darn! history.... nah! i can search for the answer in revision book.. :P Anyway. I haven't keep in touch with my friends in facebook in 1 day because my dad not allow me to keep facebooking with my friends... hurmmmm... but i can still keep connecting with my teacher who enjoying the holiday..... lol..... today,i just hanging out with my cousins and family at least i can connected with you guys.... it's been quiet in this house.... :D but some of it.... hurmmmmm..... FB OH FB.... lol... ok then bubbye

Sunday, May 30, 2010

School holidays just around the corner

Hey hey hey, i'm so sorry because i'm not update my blog about a month.... it's my busy week so,i hope u guys understand... :) anyway, i can't wait for the school holidays.. weeee.. but i don't think i'm going for a vacation this year because i have exam after school holiday.. then my trial and of course SPM... then i'm out! anyway,this school holiday also have a wedding receptions which my uncle gotta get married in Kelantan so may be my family and i going there with my car without the air cond sigh.... I really want to but my dad will decided later... :P

One more thing,may be i'm movinggggggg to my hometown in Kedah.... Insya Allah!
So,have a great sunday! ^.^


Saturday, March 20, 2010

My boring school holiday

My school holiday sucks.... i didn't go anywhere.... hmmmm..... anyways,I've been study in whole day... i miss school so much..... what should i say i have an exam in about 2 weeks! duhh... i never prepared history.... coz to me history is hard.... haha.... i miss my teachers a lot especially Cikgu Mahathir.... I miss all his jokes his cute eyes even his smiles.... :) he make me laugh... Also i miss my mates... hmmmmm..... i am bored.... Karaoke again! i'm sleepy.... hmmmm... okay then... adios!

Friday, January 15, 2010

My exam week...

Today it's exam week.... My exam goin great i think.... Anyway,i start my exam yesterday and today it's my second paper is agama... Agama it quite easy... the question are based for form 4 subjects... But,some of the question i forgot... haha... my yesterday paper going great and i answer it all.... but,karangan a lil bit hard coz it's long and i blur for a sec... i have no idea what to write.... :P oh well... history paper tomorrow... essay!!!! no!!!! i can't answer essay!!! hard!!! hahahaha..... i have to go now... To all my form 5 peppz good luck yall!!!