Monday, August 31, 2009

Breaking Fast With No Electricity

Ok! Here’s the thing, today my family and I are breaking fast without electric. So, that evening, my mom cooked the dished for breaking fast. Meanwhile, I was in my room doing my stuff, my 2 freak brothers playing the stupid game, my sis watching television and my dad are busy with his camera. In this busy evening, the electric shut down. I said what the hac! What’s going on?? I’m hot here. So, my dad calling TNB for asking why the electric shut?? And then, they are fixing the electric. GOD!! I’m doing nothing. Suffering here and there, looking for the air bla… bla… bla….. Duhhh…. I am bored.

Anyway, when we wait for breaking fast, the electric back to normal then the electric shut again….. Oh well, at least I can break fast with candles on the table and flash light…. Huhuhu… I’m not eating them but I need light…. This is my sucking day ever…. But it’s fun…. Ok then, till the next update… Adios Amigos!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Chatting with my bestest friend

YEAH!! I miss him damn much. And finally i chat with him. Thank god he's fine. Anyway, i chat with him just now. God! he's now at London. I miss him damn much.. hahahaha... I wish him a very good luck on his studies. Oh wait! i most forgot to tell him that i'm not used my old phone number. Oh well! I talk to him later.... ok then till the next update! Adios!!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Today it's my exam. I doing great and i read the question carefully. Yet,all the question easy except economy. A little bit hard. haha... Anyway, I can't wait for english paper for tomorrow exam. I hope i can pass again i guess. Before i sit for the exam,I talk to my self. I can do it! I have Promise to my parents i better get A's on exam this year. Insya-Allah,if i got A's i show my result to my mom and dad. I want to make them happy even my best buddy name Danial. He gave me a support for me. I just want to say thanks. I appreciated your supports. :)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Worst Day In My Life

At School...........

Such A Noisy Day At School. Yet, I can concentrate in class.. Arrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

At Home... Drills Again!
Headche and my ears hurt... Argggghhhhhh!!!!!