Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011 memories

Started from January 2011 I left my family for 3 month.. I have been selected to join National Service (plkn). I trained myself without my parents.   How sad I am… memories???  I was having a great time with my coach and my mates.  They like my family!  One family!  I like to be friends with another religion.  Not only Muslims but all..  I learned  about how to be a great ruler and how to be the best  among the best.  On  January 8th it’s my mum's birthday. My family came to visiting me once  a week. ( Saturday).  On February 19th  it’s ,my dad’s birthday. They came visiting me again. on the same date i'ts blood donations day. i  donate my blood for  who suffering in the hospital.  

On march ,i went rafting at Camp PLKN Bukit Besar in Kulim...  you know, i sink and i can't swim..  lol..  but,it's fun!  2 days after  going for  water rafting, shooting!! i went to penang to  play my toy it's m16 gun!  but first,special class is held at my camp.  i  learn how to use the gun. it's heavy!  new experience to me.  Can't forget our last night at the camp... It's retro night...  We having fun together for  a last time..  we hug,cry and share our happiness together. 

After 2 weeks i get back from national service, tok su intan passed away and that day also it's my results day. I didn't  go pick my results at school.  But,i check my SPM result through internet.  Alhamdulillah.. even i got c's .. that's okay.. kira lulus jugak kan.. 

Okay,i have lots of stories to tell you guys but i have running out of time... panjang sangat!! so i wish you all have a great 2012!!! :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I want to watch....

New movies are out! yay! I'm really want to watch this. Sherlock holmes : A game of shadows. Looks interesting. I haven't go to the theater about 4 months. My last movie i watched is Scream4 at e@curve which in Damansara with my cousin and my aunt. it's horror and thriller. i'm not scared but some of the scene scares me out. Ouch! Twilight breaking dawn still on my number 1 chart. Even tho my brothers hate that movie.. But i love it! I love vampires. hurmm.. Wanna watch this...

New movies has been released in theaters. So let's go!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Gerhana bulan ciptaan Allah

Assalamualaikum dan selamat pagi! Okay, Hari ni nak bercerita tentang gerhana bulan yang berlaku malam tadi. Allah telah menciptakan gerhana bulan yang indah. Namun,kita harus menyedari bahawa betapa besarnya ciptaan Allah ini.

Hadis riwayat Abu Masud Al- Anshari r.a.. Ia berkata : Rasulullah saw bersabda   : sesungguhnya matahari dan rembulan adalah dua tanda di antara tanda-tanda kebesaran Allah. Dengan kedua ayat tersebut Allah membuat rasa takut kepada hamba-hambanya . Keduanya tidaklah terjadi gerhana kerana kematian manusia. Kerana itu, bila kalian melihatnya,solat dan berdoalah kepada Allah sampai hilang yang menakutkan kalian.

Kita harus bersyukur kerana Allah telah memberikan kesempatan untuk melihat sendiri keindahan dan anugerah Allah yang tidak ternilai. Inilah gambar yang sempat diambil semalam.