Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Yea! my exam finally over

Yea!! my exam finally over... hahahaha... Meanwhile it's school holiday. Anyway, sorry i'm not updated my blog in a couple of week... I have siting for my final exam for 2 weeks. hmmmm.... I have a story what happened at school today.... All form 4 students are sitting for the final paper today. My heart beat fast. Oh god! science ok except paper 2. My head feel duhh.... Blur! For 2 hour exam for paper 2, i was thinking what happened after school? I can imagined that all form 4 students shouting out loud like this YEA!!! EXAM DAH ABIS!!! Then the school bell was ring. I stop thinking about that in about 1 and the half hour,and my classmate shouting out loud... YAY!! Exam Dah Abis!!!! They jumping around in the class and take picture with my friends and teacher.
huh... About me,i just yay! exam is finally over. I'm not shout to loud like my crazy friends did.... After i came back from school,i get in to my room i jumping around. that's mean i free from exam even it's school holiday.... haha.. I just love holiday... It's time for me to relax from exam... and next year SPM!!!! oh great! Ok then,Till for next update... see you soon and to all my form 5 friends good luck and i hope we see you soon again... And for my form 4 friends and teachers who visit my blog Happy holiday And see you next year! I most forgot.. To all my beloved teachers I'm so sorry if i make mistake, stubborn and be so naughty in class i hope you all forgive me and have a great holiday!!