Some people are selfish. They didn't know how to respect people. Like i saw on TV. Indonesian didn't respect our national anthem and they hate us. I heard our national players has been trapped by the indonesians. What wrong with them?? So, if we hate somebody, we must respect too. Don't do any reaction like trapping people,burning people flag. this is so wrong! but, if we didn't show our respect to anybody no matter who they are, people will hate us. They will be calling us rubbish. Like i said, respect! our parents teach us how to respect people and be kind to the people we know or not. My advice be kind and respect them no matter who they are. Orphans,senior citizens,young people and adult. ok! Leave your comments and i will reply as soon as possible! till the next update! bye!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Learn how to respect people and national anthem
Posted by Qistina Syahirah at Friday, November 18, 2011 0 comments
Saturday, November 12, 2011
The meaning of insomnia is most often defined by an individual's report of sleeping difficulties. While the term is sometimes used in sleep literature to describe a disorderdemonstrated by polysomnographic evidence of disturbed sleep, insomnia is often defined as a positive response to either of two questions: "Do you experience difficulty sleeping?" or "Do you have difficulty falling or staying asleep?"
Causes and co-morbidities
Posted by Qistina Syahirah at Saturday, November 12, 2011 0 comments
Friday, November 4, 2011
Salam Aidil Adha
Salam, Saya di sini ingin mengucapkan Salam Aidil Adha kepada semua muslimin dan muslimat sama ada di makkah atau dimana-mana saja di dalam bumi Allah ini. Dan juga saya nak kongsi kenangan hari raya korban. Pada setiap tahun kami menyambutnya secara sederhana. Ye la, raya haji ni tak beberapa meriah macam raya puasa kan. Jadi, kami sekeluarga cuma menziarah saudara-saudara terdekat saja.. Juadah?? kami siapkan rendang daging dan lemang... Kalau tahun ni i'm not sure.. Mungkin selera yang sama. Atau kelainan sikit. Kepada yang nak pulang ke kampung halaman. Berhati-hati di jalan raya. Pandulah dengan berhemah. Jangan nak berfacebook or bertwitter time driving.. Bahaya tu. Kalau yang nak pi ambil daging lembu esok,kalau ada lebih sedekahlah kepada fakir miskin. Janganlah tamak. Sedekah adalah satu ibadah. Bak kata orang putih, sharing is caring.... Siapa yang sedekah kepada orang yang tidak benasib baik, insya-allah Allah akan memberi pahala yang besar dan dimurahkan rezeki.. Yang tak bagi tu tak tau nak cakap macam mana kan.. Sampai disini saja celoteh saya pada hari ni. Sekali lagi salam aidil adha ikhlas daripada keluarga TV3. Assalamualaikum!
Posted by Qistina Syahirah at Friday, November 04, 2011 0 comments
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Blogger girl are back to business
I'm back! anyway,i haven't updated my blog for a long time.. i updated my blog since April.. I think.. furthermore, my family and i are now live in Alor Star now.Back to my hometown to taking care of my grandma beside my dad. I miss my old place and my place where i belong. even so, I miss my family and cousins in KL. I am now officially tv3 family.. Yay! my dad are now working with Tv3 Alor Star and my mum starts her cupcakes business as usual. My lil bro will sitting UPSR here and my big bro also PMR. But,i am happy that my maksu and the others are here too. <3 Alhamdulillah.. My family now lives easier because it just a small town and the shops just around the corner. And the food and others things cheaper than KL. I am so happy! :) That's all for today.. till next time..more updates coming on your way soon... Bye!
Posted by Qistina Syahirah at Tuesday, November 01, 2011 0 comments