Friday, November 18, 2011

Learn how to respect people and national anthem

Some people are selfish. They didn't know how to respect people. Like i saw on TV. Indonesian didn't respect our national anthem and they hate us. I heard our national players has been trapped by the indonesians. What wrong with them?? So, if we hate somebody, we must respect too. Don't do any reaction like trapping people,burning people flag. this is so wrong! but, if we didn't show our respect to anybody no matter who they are,  people will hate us. They will be calling us rubbish. Like i said, respect! our parents teach us how to respect people and be kind to the people we know or not. My advice be kind and respect them no matter who they are. Orphans,senior citizens,young people and adult. ok! Leave your comments and i will reply as soon as possible! till the next update! bye!